Our institution is working on developing journalistic and media work at its scientific

and practical level to be able to serve the issues of the masses effectively, and to

establish an international forum for journalists and media persons, so that the

International Union of Journalists and Media Persons will be a basic reference for

its members regarding their media profession through the convergence of minds

and the free pen and the sharing of opinions and constructive criticism in all fields

issues, enabling journalists and media persons to carry out their mission and working

to spread the culture of freedom of expression while preserving the principles of

the profession and regulating its practice to advance and develop it.

The International Union of Journalists and Media Persons is a non-governmental

and non-profit organization registered in the United Kingdom and its main objective

is to strengthen relations and links between journalists, media professionals and

other media institutions and bodies, protect their professional rights, train and

qualify them to develop their skills in this profession.
